Indianapolis Young Mens Christian Association (YMCA) 1940-1961.


Indianapolis Young Mens Christian Association (YMCA) 1940-1961.

The collection consists mainly of the internal documents and correspondence of the organization between the years of 1943 and 1961. It contains the By Laws of the Indianapolis YMCA from 1955 plus some revised additions of those By Laws. The collection also holds the meeting notes, minutes and correspondence of many of the different committees within the organization. The Indianapolis YMCA did participate in some different cooperative ventures throughout its history as well. In the collection, YMCA and YWCA cooperation and interracial cooperation files are present. There is a little bit of information regarding other YMCAs within the collection. Mostly this information is in the form of pamphlets or brochures on different Indiana YMCAs, or their camps. However, there is also some information on the National YMCA and cooperative efforts between their group and the Indianapolis YMCA. Because lack of funding often follows a non-profit organization such as the YMCA, there is a large portion of the collection devoted to fundraising, including attempts and/or successes at receiving Lilly endowments and grants. Actual financial reports for the YMCA for some years are also included. Reports from the different branches of the Indianapolis YMCA are also held in the collection. Often these give information about the numbers of people that were becoming members, attending programming, and the new programs that were developed by the organization.

3.00, Boxes.


SNAC Resource ID: 7958644

Indiana State Library - ISL

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